PoCA 2019 – Program

16th Meeting on Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology: Tag 3

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15. June 2019 @ 8:00 – 18:00 Europe/Berlin Timezone
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Raum 1.401 (DOR24)
Dorotheenstr. 24
10117 Berlin

Konferenz vom 13.-15.06.2019 an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin

Das Programm ist nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar.

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“16th Meeting on Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology”

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Saturday, June 15th, Room 1.401 (DOR24)
Session V. The Divine Sphere: Cypriot Sanctuaries
A. Golgoi
08:00 M. Kamenou:
Communicating with the divine: an interpretation of the votive reliefs from the sanctuary of Apollo at Golgoi
B. Idalion
08:30 S. Horacek:
The ‘Phoenician palmette capitals’ from the so-called Astarte-Aphrodite sanctuary of a female deity on the eastern acropolis of Idalion
09:00 A. Walther:
The Terracottas from the so-called Temple of Aphrodite in Idalion
09:30 F. Schwake:
The Cypriot finds of Max Ohnefalsch-Richter – Processing two plates published in 1889
10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break
C. Tamassos
10:30 F. Schimpf:
Excavations at Tamassos 1970-1980: The inner-city sanctuaries
11:00 K. Juergens:
At the gates of Tamassos: the sanctuary of Apollon in the Pediaios
D. Cult in Roman times
11:30 A. Ochał-Czarnowicz:
The religious landscape of Roman Cyprus and the cult of heroes – some remarks
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch Break
Session VI. Art History or History of Art?
13:00 A. Cazzola:
Art History in Ancient Cyprus. A methodological approach, and the attempt to reconsider the role of the art historian of antiquity
13:30 A. Reeve:
Figures in a landscape: the Leeds Museums and Galleries collection of ancient Cypriot figurines
Session VII. New Scientific Approaches
A. Archaeobotanical Approaches
14:00 M. Rousou:
Vegetation history and the exploitation and use of plant resources in Pre-Pottery Neolithic Cyprus: an assessment of the current state of the archaeobotanical research
14:30 G. Ioannou:
Health, Disease and Diet in the Hellenistic/Roman Paphos: the bioarchaeology of Ktima Upper City necropolis
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break
B. Archaeometallurgical Approaches
15:30 D. Ioannides:
Enkomi: a metalworking center. New evidence from the examination of metallurgical ceramics
16:00 Th. Christoforou:
The Archaeometallurgical activities on the Landscape of the north-eastern foothills of Troodos (central Cyprus). Past and New Information and its importance to Cyprus Heritage
C. Communicating Cultural Heritage
16:30 F. Dolcetti/F. Pettorini:
Social media and the development of archaeological communication practices: the case for Erimi Archaeological Project (Cyprus)
17:00 Final discussion

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