PoCA 2019 – Program

16th Meeting on Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology: Tag 2

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14. June 2019 @ 8:30 – 18:30 Europe/Berlin Timezone
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Raum 2095B
Unter den Linden 6
10117 Berlin

Konferenz vom 13.-15.06.2019 an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin

Das Programm ist nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar.

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“16th Meeting on Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology”

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Friday, June 14th, Room 2095B (UdL6)
08:30 Welcome Address and Introduction
Session II. Cyprus and the Mediterranean Network
A. Interactions and Exchange
08:45 M. Hadjigavriel:
From Clay and Beyond: Tracing Interactions in Late Chalcolithic Cyprus
09:15 G. Bourogiannis:
Cypriot connectivity in the Mediterranean from the Late Bronze Age to the end of the Cypro-Classical period: Introducing the CyCoMed research project
B. From Cyprus to the World: Pottery Exports
09:45 S. Vilain:
On the Cypriot White Painted productions and other local ceramics inspired by them in Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period
10:15 A. Dimitrova:
Archaic Cypriot imports in the Black Sea
10:45 – 11:00 Coffee Break
C. Attic Imports to Cyprus
11:00 V. Lewandowski:
Attic pottery from Marion
11:30 A. Schaffer:
Greek Vases in an ancient kingdom on Cyprus. Some thoughts about the Attic pottery found in Tamassos
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch Break
Session III. Cultural Contacts and Travelling Ideas
13:00 A. Saggio/J. Ahola:
A Game of Change. Board games in the changing Bronze Age Cypriot society
13:30 B. Stärz:
Female shaped handles – Toilet Objects of daily Use?
14:00 P. Jablonsky:
New Research on the anthropoid sarcophagi from Cyprus
14:30 A. Paule:
Solar Symbols and Solar Eclipses in Archaic Cyprus
15:00 S. Çonka:
Did Ancient Cyprus play a role in transmitting the architectural idea of ‘female-figured supportive column’ from ‘the East’ to ‘the West’ and Who are the contributors
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
Session IV. Paphian Studies
16:00 C. Peverelli:
Exploring Palaepaphos During the Classical Period: Preliminary Remarks on The Evreti Residential Area and its Wells (TE I and VII)
16:30 A. Halczuk:
Micro-regionalism within the Paphian kingdom. Epigraphic evidence
17:00 M. Romaniuk:
Terracotta pipes and the studies on the ancient water system in the residential district (Maloutena area) of Nea Paphos
17:30 J. Mikocka:
Studies on the late Roman insula from Maloutena district in Nea Paphos: architecture, functions, analogies

16th Meeting on Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology – Programm herunterladen