Call for papers – International Conference 2024

CALL FOR PAPERS – International conference

what: “Cyprum quondam novem regnorum sedem…: a multidisciplinary approach to Cyprus’ Iron Age political and territorial fragmentation”

when: 4 and 5 October 2024

where: Idalion/Dali, Cyprus

abstracts due until: 25 March 2024

notice of acceptance: 15 April 2024


During the first half of the first millennium BCE, Cyprus was divided in about ten autonomous polities, attested by primary sources (inscriptions and coins) as well as by secondary sources (Greek and Near Eastern texts). While the time of their emergence remains disputed, their disappearance can be dated towards the end of the 4th c. BCE when the unified island became a province of Ptolemaic Egypt.

Paradoxically, the political fragmentation of the island, which has characterized its long history, has hardly been analysed in its concrete aspects: the territories of the various kingdoms, their limits, their mode of organisation (most notably their relationship with the capital-cities) and their diachronic evolution. The French-German project Kition-Idalion-Tamassos: cities and territories within Cypriot kingdoms during the first millennium BCE (KIT, 2022-2025) has the objective to investigate a regional case study through a multidisciplinary approach, by focusing on the polities of Kition, Idalion and Tamassos.

After two years of intense research on these three polities, we would like to share and discuss various aspects related to the territoriality of Cypriot Iron Age polities with colleagues working on similar aspects and research questions in Cyprus or neighbouring areas.


For more Information and to download the Call for Papers.