While many trenches steadily extract limestones, terracottas and ceramics, one of our trenches is all about one thing in particular. Walls. The wall, which already passed through one of our trenches last year, can now be followed in the next one as well.
And after the gray hard layer was laboriously scraped off the wallstones and out from between the wallstones, the entire course of the wall can finally be traced in our section and the course of the wall can now be followed over 10m.
The wall before and after the cleaning
At the end of the week, we are once again excited when another wall becomes visible and snuggles up at a right angle to the one we already have. We remain curious how this will develop further, because we find a lot of pottery, limestone and terracotta fragments, but not so much architecture.
Otherwise, the pottery is happily accumulating behind our excavation house, just waiting to be sorted, weighed and bagged. And also the space for the limestones, which are busily documented and measured, is slowly running out.
Besides walls, excursions were also on the agenda this week. On Wednesday we visited the University of Cyprus and its library building and listened to the excellent lecture of Dr. Georgios Papasavvas on “People and objects on the move: Migrating memories and political power in Early Iron Age Cyprus”.
During our weekend we also visited our colleagues from Frankfurt and their excavation in Tamassos, which brought many beautiful findings to light.
Our visit to Dr. Matthias Recke and his team in Tamassos
Oh and of course cats can not be missed, here in Cyprus.
Curious about washing dishes
Tosca Nina Negelmann